Missionaries to Grenada


Grenada The Isle of Spice from Israel Alejandro on Vimeo.

Location: 96 miles north of Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea
Land area of main island: 21 x 12 miles, 133 sq. miles
Includes 3 inhabited islands: Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique
Type of government: Constitutional Monarchy
Official Language: English, Grenadian French patois
Currency: East Caribbean Dollar
Population: Approximately 110,000
75% of children are said to be born to a mother outside of wedlock.
National anthem: Hail Grenada
Nickname: Isle of Spice
Major sports: Cricket, soccer, track & field
Major Religions: Catholic and Anglican. There is a presence of Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon populations. The fastest growing religions are Seventh Day Adventism (St. Andrew’s) and Muslim (nation-wide).
Independent Baptist: Approximately  1/2 of 1%

National FlagNational Flag 

The National Flag of Grenada represents the distillation of a national effort  to  produce an emblem of a nation that can stand for all time and which incorporates simplicity of form, a pleasing visual quality and is symbolic of the confidence, hope and aspirations of a courageous people accepting the challenge of nationhood.
Grenadians wear the colors of the flag proudlyAlmost anywhere you go in Grenada, you will see red, yellow (or gold), and green up and down the streets.
The components of the flag have the following significance:
Red: represents the fervor of the people, their courage and vitality – their burning aspiration to be free.
Gold: the color representative of wisdom also holds significance for Grenadians – a representation of the sun, their islands in the sun, the warmth and friendliness to their people.
Green: symbolizes the fertility of the land, the lush vegetation and the island’s agriculture.
Seven Gold Stars: represents the seven parishes and the hopes and aspirations and ideas upon which the nation was founded.
Nutmeg: represents the history as the Isle of Spice and its traditional link with the economy.