Missionaries to Grenada

Quick Biographies

Full name: Joseph Ryan Childers

Birthday: August 11
Spiritual birthday: September 5, 2004
Call to the mission field: October 2004, influenced by Isaiah 6:8
Life verse: Philippians 1:21–For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Favorite quote:  Philip Henry–“He is no fool who parts with that which he cannot keep, when he is sure to be recompensed with that which he cannot lose.”

Food allergies/sensitivities: citrus juices (pineapple, oranges, lemon, and lime) and caffeine
Things I love in Grenada: Warmness and openness of the people; the beauty of God’s creation all around me; fresh fruit everywhere; and I have learned to appreciate even a gentle cool breeze–though not the heat yet! 
Things I miss from America: Reeses peanut butter cups and gummies! Shockingly, I miss Walmart and fast food too. What I would give for wide roads here! 24 hour gas stations may be the norm in America, but are nearly unheard of here. And A/C would be so nice at home. Maybe someday!

Full name: Donalie Melisa (nee Alexander) Childers
Birthday: October 19
Spiritual birthday: April 13, 2003
Call to the mission field: Senior year of high school in chapel
Life verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Some things I like about Grenada: family, weather, home
Some things I miss about America: convenience, multiple brands and choices at stores

Some things I like: natural soaps, candles, and anything nautical

Full name: Brielle Grace Childers
Birthday: August 28, 2013
Favorite colors: pink and purple

Favorite place: Chuck E. Cheese (but Grenada does not have this)
I like: slime, play-doh, painting, and art! I love my pet hamster!
I like to eat: Cereal and strawberries are the best!  Local soups taste good too. My favorite cereals are Reeses Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Honeycombs.

I drink: lemonade, milk, and water. I love Coca Cola and Sprite, but they are only a special treat. Chocolate milk is a special treat too.

In Grenada, I love: my new friends and school

I miss: Chuck E. Cheese, play places, and cousins

My favorite snacks are: any kind of super spicy chips, and peanut butter cups

I don’t like: candy, except for chocolate

Full name: Ryan Joseph Childers

Birthday: December 30, 2015

I like: balls, fire trucks, and dinosaurs

I drink: lots of juice! Mommy and Daddy want me to drink mostly water.

My favorite foods: Pizza, cheese, hot dogs, and mashed potatoes. Cap’N Crunch cereal is the best, but we cannot find it here very often. I like doubles and roti too.

My favorite snacks: cream in cookies, chocolate, lollipops

Full name: Noelle Faith Childers

Birthday: December 28, 2018

I love: mermaids, unicorns, rainbows, dolls, balls, and makeup. Oh, and anything Ryan is playing with.

My favorite food: Everything! Soups and applesauce are so yummy! I love macaroni and spaghetti too!

Family Facts:

Anniversary: July 11, 2009

Children–6 (3 in Heaven due to miscarriages, and of course Brielle and Ryan, and  Noelle!)

Our dream: to raise up any children God gives us in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to see God do wonderful things and get all glory in Grenada

Our vehicle: 2006 Toyota Noah, with only 165,000 miles!

Our phone service:

US number–Vonage, (267) 697-9295 (this will only charge US rates!) (home only, no texts)

Grenada cell phone–Flow, (473) 422-9879


Our Skype name: Joe.Donna.Grenada

Our ministry Facebook page: Childers2Grenada

Anything else you think we should add to this list, please ask and we will be glad to include it if appropriate!!!