Sister LokMan (Coco) Chan serves alongside the Childers as a missionary, also with Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI). She had been involved in missions work in Trinidad for the previous 6 years, before joining the work in Grenada in 2017.
Her ministry consists of helping the Childers family in the planting of Lifeline Independent Baptist Church. She teaches all the children’s classes, including Sunday School, Children’s choir, Bible Club, and a Wednesday night children’s program. She is also heavily involved in the administrative aspect of the ministry. During the week, Coco is busy teaching in the local schools as well. While we are not allowed to teach doctrine, she is able to teach Bible stories and Biblical principles. This enables us to have a presence in multiple communities, which allows us to have greater influence in these villages. On a weekly basis, Coco teaches in one preschool, two elementary schools, two secondary schools, and a juvenile detention center.
Beginning in 2021, Coco also began teaching in Lifeline Baptist Christian Academy on a full-time basis. She taught grades 1, 2, and 3 together.
She is a tireless and dedicated worker, with a passion and zeal to see children grow up to serve Christ.
She is sent out of Metro Baptist Church in Burnaby, BC, Canada, under the direction of Pastor Russell Mackay.

Rebekah Childers is Joseph’s sister. She joined the ministry in Grenada in January of 2021. She is working with the youth girls in the church plant. Her major ministry is helping in the Lifeline Baptist Christian Academy, beginning in September of 2021. She is teaching the kindergarten children.
Rebekah also babysits often which allows Joseph and Donna to serve together unencumbered.
Rebekah is a missionary with World-Wide New Testament Baptist Missions. She is sent out of North Love Baptist Church in Rockford, IL, which is currently seeking the Lord’s will for a pastor.
Her ministry website is www.Pray4Grenada.com